Update your vending machine to accept the new £1 coin from just £90!
If your business operates a vending machine you need to update it to accept the new one pound coin due soon!
The new 12 sided £1 coin will enter circulation on 28th March, 2017; 1.5 billion new one pound coins are to be released by the Royal Mint. The new 12-sided £1 coin has new dimensions and therefore all vending machines that take cash payments will need to be updated to accept the new one pound coin.
If you want your vending machines to accept the new £1 coin in time for its release please contact us now to arrange a suitable time for for your vending machine update. We can update most vending machines to accept the new £1 coin from just £90.
Update your vending machine to accept the new £1 coin from just £90.
Contact us on 0800 772 0448 or fill in the form below and we'll be in touch...
The new £1 coin is released on 28th March, 2017
The existing £1 coin will also be in circulation until the 15th October, 2017. During this time you are under no obligation to accept the new £1 coin, and your vending machine can continue to dispense the old £1 coin as change. You will however, need to inform your customers which coins your vending machine can accept.
From 16th October all coin handling vending machines should be able to accept the new £1 coin as the old round £1 coin will be demonetised. Whilst you are under no obligation to accept the new £1 coin you should not distribute the old £1 coin even though it can still be deposited at most high street banks and the Post Office after this date.
For further information on the new £1 coin please visit the Royal Mint Website, and for further guidance for your business and how to prepare for the introduction of the new one pound coin, please visit the new one pound coin website.